Well, I did it! I’ve been wanting to do it for a LONG time and finally took the plunge — my ends are PINK!

I wrote about some of my favorite looks almost two months ago, and finally decided that I’m ready to think pink. My hairstylist wanted to be sure I *really* wanted to do it, and I’ll admit a fleeting moment of panic came over me when she put the first hot pink swatch of color on my hair, but I *looooove* it and am so glad I finally did it!

I’m now officially a part of the Pink Ladies, and I’ve never loved my hair more!


What do you think? Here’s another picture that’s not a shameless selfie:


xo A



I tend to be somewhat of a hair chameleon — I simply can’t help myself. I have the same style for a year, two at max, and then the urge comes over me to change it up. I’ve had a bob (and loved it), super long locks, and something in-between. I’ve done bangs, no bangs, layers, no layers. I’ve been every shade under the natural born sun, from dark brown (almost black), to light brown, to honey highlights, to red, to super blonde. I love the feeling of going into the salon and coming out feeling like a different lady.

Thankfully, I haven’t had too many traumatic experiences, save for one bad haircut in my younger years (this is when the Farrah-flipped ends came back in style a la Mandy Moore below, and it was NOT a good look for me), so I feel lucky and that makes me happy to experiment.

One thing I’ve never worked up the courage to try is dip-dyed ends. But I’ve ALWAYS wanted to, especially the last few years as they’ve come back in style. I currently am rocking a medium-length blonde coif, so I think pink tips would look killer. But I also tend to err on the conservative side with my overall look (I feel like all eyes are on me when I wear heels, for crying out loud), so I’m not sure I could pull it off without people thinking I had some sort of nervous breakdown.

But I love this look — it is so fun and vibrant and so much more fun than a boring trim. Here are some of my favorite looks. What do you think about this trend?

xo A