Finding a good concealer feels so much trickier than it should. There are so many different kinds — from liquid, to cream, to stick, to powder. Then there is the quintessential problem every girl has — finding the perfect shade. You need something lighter for the eye area, something green or yellow to neutralize redness and blemishes, and something that matches your skin tone perfectly.

Our skin changes so much from day to day, too. Some days I have plenty of blemishes and marks to cover up (thanks, hormones!) and other days I barely need any coverage. Some days my skin is uneven and red, and other days it’s too oily. In the summer, I’m always slightly darker than in the winter, so my skin tone changes a bit. It’s virtually impossible to find one single solitary concealer that works on me all the time.

For the past few months, I have been using tarte maracuja creaseless concealer. At $25, it’s a bit pricier than drugstore brands but not by much. I have some pros and cons for it as I still try to figure out if it’s worth buying a second tube.

The pros:

  • tarte’s website has a great, easy-to-use shade finder that takes all the guesswork out of picking the perfect shade. this concealer, in particular, has 14 shades, which is fantastic but could make narrowing it down tricky. but I was able to easily pick the shade for me (fair skin with pink undertones) without even going to a store — great for online ordering.
  • it’s definitely full-coverage which is perfect for deep marks.
  • a little goes a long way. i’ve been using the same tube daily for five months (!!) and am not even close to running out. that’s impressive.
  • it has a nice, creamy consistency.
  • it does not make me break out, which is always appreciated.
  • apparently it’s vegan, too, which is a nice bonus.

The cons:

  • it is definitely not creaseless. at all. in fact, it creases quite a bit. I have to check myself in the mirror about a half hour after applying to clear up the annoying crease marks.
  • it slides a bit on the skin, possibly because it’s very thick, giving your skin an oily feel. this is probably fine for drier skin but for oily girls, I’d watch out.
  • the tube is THE most annoying thing. too much comes out at one time and it’s impossible to get it back in, so you end up wasting a lot or trying to cover spots that don’t really need it to avoid wasting the product. if you accidentally store it right side up in your makeup kit, it gets all over the cap.
  • it’s not incredibly long-lasting. it’s fine for normal days where you’re not really active, but I feel if you’re doing any activity, it fades fast.

I usually apply it first and then set with a powder/bronzer and blush on top and this works well for me. My favorite trick is to apply it after primer on eyes but before eye makeup, it beautifully gets rid of those yucky looking eyelid veins. It makes the eyelids look even and bright — so much so that I’ve skipped eyeshadow and still looked wide awake.

But the fact that it creases is really annoying (especially because ‘creaseless’ in the title ..I mean, come on.) and doesn’t last long is quite dissappointing, hence why I am not sure it’s worth buying again. what’s your favorite concealer?

xo A



I’m a firm believer in mixing high and low when it comes to beauty products — sure, luxury brands are great, but why spend more money just for the name on the bottle if you don’t have to? Plenty of drugstore brands are amazing in their own way and should be lauded as such.

I had jumped on the BB/CC cream bandwagon a few years ago when they became super hot, and never found one I liked enough. I found CC creams were great for evening my color, but didn’t offer enough coverage. I found BB creams that were too thick and goopy. Would I ever find a happy medium?!

Very happy to report that I found the PERFECT BB cream for me right at CVS. It’s by Garnier and it’s called the Miracle Skin Perfector Daily Anti-Acne BB Cream. Yes, the name is long but the results are WORTH IT. I was skeptical because it only comes in two shades (light/medium and medium/deep) since I am so fair, and I’m always a little skeptical of makeup that claims to clear acne — after all, doesn’t makeup tend to aggravate acne, not help it?

This has become my every day “can’t even leave the house without it on” BB cream. It magically fits my skin tone (in light/medium) while giving me a healthy, slightly noticeable glow. It goes on evenly, and is thick enough for great coverage but not too thick. It also smells amazing.

I apply it all over my face and neck after cleansing but before any other makeup. It’s a great primer for other makeup, and my bronzer, blush, and eye makeup adheres beautifully to it. It’s super hydrating so my skin feels great to the touch and the 2% salicyclic acid truly does help with acne. My skin has never been better.

My only gripe is the coverage is a little light, so for deeper marks/blemishes, you still need a concealer on top of it. Otherwise, this is my go-to BB cream and great for girls who don’t want to bother with heavy foundation.

How do you feel about BB creams? Love ’em or leave ’em?

xo A